Most private lenders check your credit to assess how likely you are to repay your debt. A good credit score suggests that you pay your loans back on time, while a poor score can indicate the potential for late payments or even default. Here are some ways to get a student loan if you don't have good credit.
Why do student lenders check my credit?
“Your credit score can give lenders an idea of how you’ve managed your credit in the past, as it factors in your payment history, debt you currently have, how long you’ve had credit accounts, and other metrics,” said Jill Desjean, a senior policy analyst at the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.
Private student loan lenders often look for a credit score of 670 or higher when evaluating your application for a loan. If you (or your cosigner) has good credit, the lender is more likely to trust that you’ll pay your loan back in full and on time.
Of course, if you’re a student, you may be too inexperienced financially to have built a good credit score — or any credit score, for that matter. That’s why nearly 91% of undergraduates borrowed a private student loan with a cosigner in the 2022-23 school year, according to a report from Enterval Analytics.
Applying with a cosigner (which we’ll discuss below) isn’t an option for everyone, though. An alternative to borrowing with a cosigner is opting for a federal student loan or a private student loan with no credit check.
Federal loans with no credit check
Before taking out a private student loan, it's usually a good idea to max out your eligibility for federal student loans from the Department of Education. You have a few options:
- Direct Subsidized Loans: These are available to undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need — no credit check required.
- Direct Unsubsidized Loans: Available to both undergraduate and graduate students, these loans have no financial need requirement and there’s no credit check involved.
- PLUS Loans:&These are available to graduate and professional students or parents of undergraduates. PLUS Loans do involve a credit check, but your specific credit score doesn’t matter. You simply can’t have “adverse credit,” which typically equates to a prior delinquency, bankruptcy, foreclosure, tax lien, or similar action in the past five years.
Federal student loans come with relatively low fixed interest rates that are standardized. In other words, everyone who qualifies for a specific loan gets the same interest rate, no matter their financial history. Subsidized loans even come with an added perk — the government will pay your accrued interest while you’re in school, during your grace period, and during other eligible times of nonpayment.
In addition, federal loans are eligible for a variety of repayment plans, forgiveness programs, and other borrower protections. However, Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans come with borrowing limits, so it’s possible to max out your eligibility.
Related: The Complete List of Student Loan Forgiveness Programs
How to get private student loans with no credit check
Credit score requirements vary by lender, so it’s worth shopping around and comparing private loans. Here are some steps you can take to find a private student loan with flexible credit criteria:
1. Apply for a private student loan with no credit check
There are a handful of lenders that offer private student loans without a credit score requirement. However, these often come with a trade-off. In exchange for more relaxed credit standards, lenders may charge higher interest rates than other student loans.
- Ascent offers an outcome-based loan to college juniors and seniors with a GPA of 2.9 or higher. Instead of reviewing your credit, Ascent considers alternate factors like your school, major, and academic performance.
- Funding U provides loans to undergraduates based on your academic performance and career path. The lender reviews your credit history but doesn’t look at your credit score. Borrowers that have had significant credit issues may find it hard to qualify, but if your score is low simply because you haven’t had time to build your credit file, you could have better luck.
- MPOWER Financing and Prodigy Finance both offer loans to international students without requiring a cosigner or collateral. Rather than depending on your credit, these lenders instead consider your future earning potential.
The companies in the table below are Credible’s approved partner lenders.