A small personal loan may be a good way to cover an unexpected expense or one you didn't budget for, like a surprise medical bill, a needed car repair, a vet bill, or a weekend getaway. Even if you have a credit card, a personal loan is often a better choice. This is because personal loan rates, on average, are much lower than credit card rates. According to the Federal Reserve, the average rate on a two-year personal loan was 11.92%, while the average credit card rates was 21.51%.
But to find a small personal loan, you need to know where to look. We've compiled a list of the best small personal loans, with loan amounts starting at $600, to get you started.
Compare small loan rates of September 2024
Credible rating
Fixed (APR)
7.80% - 35.99%
Loan Amounts
$1,000 to $50,000
Min. Credit Score
Credible rating
Fixed (APR)
8.98% - 35.99%
Loan Amounts
$1,000 to $40,000
Min. Credit Score
Credible rating
Fixed (APR)
8.99% - 35.99%
Loan Amounts
$2,000 to $50,000
Min. Credit Score
Credible rating
Fixed (APR)
9.95% - 35.99%
Loan Amounts
$2,000 to $35,000
Min. Credit Score
Credible rating
Fixed (APR)
9.99% - 35.99%
Loan Amounts
$1,000 to $50,000
Min. Credit Score
Credible rating
Fixed (APR)
11.69% - 35.99%
Loan Amounts
$1,000 to $50,000
Min. Credit Score
Credible rating
Fixed (APR)
18.00% - 35.99%
Loan Amounts
$1,500 to $20,000
Min. Credit Score